Non-Invasive VNS Devices: A Beginner’s Guide to This Revolutionary Technology

3 min read

The vagus nerve is one of the largest nerves in the human body. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) may help to improve your wellbeing. Here’s how non-invasive VNS devices work and why they might be helpful.

What Is Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation?

Vagus nerve stimulation is a type of “neuromodulation”. Neuromodulation is a way to stimulate nerves to encourage them to behave in a certain way. For example, we might want to calm overactive nerves or reduce pain signals.

VNS targets the vagus nerve – the large nerve responsible for controlling digestion, heart rate, breathing, and certain reflex actions. Non-invasive VNS means there’s no surgical implantation required.

Non-invasive VNS devices are usually attached to the body via ear clips, which is fairly comfortable.

What Are External VNS Devices?

External VNS devices are the products used to perform non-invasive VNS. They’re portable and easy to set up so you can use them from the comfort of your own home.

They are not medical devices; meaning, they don’t cure or prevent medical conditions. However, they may provide symptomatic relief from conditions such as:

  • Cluster headaches
  • Neurological conditions
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Stress and anxiety

How Does Non-Invasive VNS Work?

External VNS devices deliver harmless electrical impulses to the vagus nerve. The impulses may help to restore balance and reduce stress levels inside the body.

  • You won’t feel these pulses but you can control their intensity using the device.
  • Using the device regularly may help to improve vagal tone, which helps your body better control your day-to-day breathing and heart rate.
  • Stimulating the vagus nerve can have a positive effect on your overall mental health and wellbeing.

Who Might Non-Invasive VNS Help?

Stimulating the vagus nerve may help to improve your quality of life by making you feel more relaxed. It might improve your mood and alleviate feelings of stress which could make it easier for you to get restful sleep.

And if you suffer from a condition such as chronic headaches, you can use non-invasive VNS devices alongside your regular medication. If you’re concerned about whether VNS is for you, contact your doctor or the Caputron team.

What Are the Side Effects of Non-Invasive VNS?

Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation devices are safe and usually well tolerated. They have fewer side effects than implanted VNS devices since there’s no surgery involved. It’s also easier to control the pulses and intensity to suit your specific needs.

Potential side effects include slight tingling and mild discomfort. Consult your healthcare provider if you’re concerned.

Try Non-Surgical Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation is a safe way to boost your mood, promote relaxation, and improve your overall sense of wellbeing. Caputron has a range of hand-held vagus nerve stimulation devices you can use at home or in clinical settings.

If you’re unsure which device is right for your needs, or if you wish to explore other neuromodulation therapies, contact our team for help. We’re committed to matching you with the right products for your needs.

Check out our non-invasive VNS devices today!

Contact Us

Do you still have questions about neuromodulation devices, or do you need help to decide which one is best for you? Contact one of our neuromodulation experts.

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