• Findings on tDCS Montages and ADHD

    If you suffer from ADHD, you may have concerns over traditional treatment options that involve addictive medications with adverse side effects. tDCS is sometimes considered by individuals for this purpose, but it is not cleared or approved by the FDA for ADHD treatment. Still, there have been studies carried out over the years that hint at the technology’s potential feasibility, pending further analysis. Let’s...
  • What Does TMS Do for ADHD Patients?

    What does TMS do for ADHD patients? Our guide will dive deep into what TMS and ADHD are, as well as what previous studies have revealed. Disclaimer: The FDA has not approved ADHD magnetic treatment by way of TMS. This guide does not promote TMS as a medical treatment that cures or alleviates the symptoms of ADHD. Some studies have shown that it may...
  • How To Help ADHD Without Medication

    ADHD medications can cause bothersome side effects. Learn more about ADHD treatment without medication to control symptoms without headaches, sleep problems, and dizziness. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes three types of symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and/or impulsivity. Inattention makes it difficult to stay focused, while hyperactivity causes excessive movement, restlessness, and/or excessive talking. People with symptoms in...
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