Eegosports™ 32 EEG NEW
The eegosports™ 32 EEG system is a 32-channel EEG recording solution. It comes with amplifi er, Windows 8 notebook, recording software, asa erp signal processing and 3D mapping software, and one cap. Warranty is given on all system components for 24 months except for the EEG caps (12 months).
Standard Eegosports™
The Standard eegosports™ system is a 64-channel EEG recording solution. It comes with amplifi er, Windows 8 ultrabook, recording software, asa erp signal processing and 3D mapping software, two caps, DSUB 25-pin trigger adapter, EOG electrode, EEG starter kit and a watertight suitcase. Warranty is given on all system components for 24 months except for the EEG caps (12 months).
Complete Eegosports™
The Complete eegosports™ system is a 64-channel EEG/EMG recording solution for mobile applications. The 64-channel caps for EEG can be used with all channels (no EMG recorded) or with 32 channels when recording 1 up to 16 EMGs. The system comes with amplifier, Windows 8 ultrabook and recording/ signal processing and asa pro source analysis software, three 64-channel caps, trigger adapters, backpack, external EOG/GND/REF electrode, bipolar channel adapter, EEG/EMG starter kit and a watertight transportation suitcase. Warranty is given on all system components for 24 months.
Eegosports™ 88 PRO NEW
The eegosportsTM 88 PRO system is the ultimate solution for mobile EEG and EMG applications. It allows recording of 64 EEG channels simultaneously with 24 EMG channels or other bipolar input signals. Alternatively, other confi gurations such as 32 channels of EEG and 16 EMG plus 24 other bipolar inputs can be used. The system comes with amplifier, Windows 8 ultrabook, recording/signal processing and asa pro source analysis software, three 64-channel caps, trigger adapters, backpack, external EOG/ GND/REF electrode, 16 and 24 channel bipolar channel adapters, EEG/EMG starter kit and a watertight transportation suitcase. Warranty is given on all system components for 24 months.