4 Ways to Cope with Anxiety and Insomnia

4 min read

At Caputron, we believe in the power of the human condition, stimulating the mind and sparing folks from the rigors of everyday anxiety and insomnia with our FDA-cleared technologies. That being said, one shouldn’t overlook the journey they can take on their own in improving their mental and sleep health. Today, we’d like to do something a little different, inspiring you to look within and introduce holistic, self-directed ways to cope with these conditions. Should all else fail, our Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) and other solutions are readily available and a worthwhile investment for your mind and health.

Limiting Liquids

The more toxins we have in our body (and energy flowing through our mind) in the evenings, the harder it is to have a restful sleep. Try to impose a restriction on nighttime beverages and stick with a single glass of water if you’re struggling with insomnia. Caffeine should be avoided at all costs as well as sugars once it gets late. Limiting your liquid intake in this manner can then help you fall asleep at least a little more easily.

Reducing Stress Triggers

If you work all day in a cluttered home office due to the pandemic having shaken up your everyday commute and regular office life, don’t worry. It’s happened to a whole lot of people and you’re far from alone in this struggle. Cleaning up and organizing your space, making it more inviting and something you look forward to working in, can help to elevate your mood and soothe your worries. Natural light, indoor plants (which can also keep the air clean) and proper humidification (between 40 and 60 percent RH being ideal) are all your best friends when it comes to remaining hydrated, focused, and calm.

Other ways of reducing stress triggers include delegating work to match your availability, skillset, and strengths, as well as finding ways to focus on hands-on activities rather than your phone screen. Gardening is particularly therapeutic, for instance, plus it helps expose your immune system in a way that promotes resilience. Lastly, have a happy home and work life balance, and focus on those in your life who are a positive and supportive influence yet also inspire and encourage you to be yourself.

VOCs and Air Quality

What we breathe in and surround ourselves with has a tremendous impact on our overall health. Poor indoor air quality can cause a bevvy of issues, and the human mind isn’t exempt from them. We’ve touched on how humidity can influence focus, mood, and other variables, but that’s just the beginning. Free radicals, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), and other toxins off-gassed from sources such as furnishings and otherwise are just as troublesome. Your mattress, depending on what it’s made of, may or may not be producing them. Switching out with a VOC- free, eco-friendly mattress can lead to a more restful sleep.

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES)

Of course, if you’ve tried everything and wish to seek out specialized equipment, CES is most certainly the way to go. Cleared by the FDA for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia, these Class III medical devices are invaluable tools in maintaining a healthy mind and sleep cycle. You’ll need approval in the US from a licensed medical practitioner in order to obtain one, and we at Caputron can help you obtain authorization here. The use of a carefully controlled current, administered through electrodes on the temple or earlobes, targets key cranial zones that encourage optimal brainwave regulation, bringing balance to your stress levels and sleep cycle.

We’ve only scratched the surface and there are many other ways to cope with your anxiety and insomnia at home, such as enjoying a healthy and active lifestyle or shifting towards a healthier diet. If you’d like to learn more about neuromodulation solutions and how the process works for CES or other technologies, however, our experts are more than happy to assist. Contact us today to make an informed decision regarding potential solutions.

Reviewed by the Caputron team

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